Helping vegans and other changemakers revolutionize unjust systems for the benefit of all beings


Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals Media


Many of us have chosen the act of veganism as our stand against exploitation of animals.

Our mission is to help vegans “level up” by learning to strategically spread the message of compassion, and living into the humane and healthy values embraced by veganism. The “solutionary” vegan engages in changemaking actions designed to transform systems, for the benefit of all of Earth’s inhabitants.


Photo: Jo-Anne McArthur/We Animals Media

Guiding Principles

  • Education

    We dive deep to learn and grow, constantly seeking to uncover our own biases.

  • Inclusivity and Respect

    We learn from, support and amplify the many important, beautiful, and diverse voices for change, even the human ones.

  • Most Good Least Harm

    Our strategies are highly impactful, consciously do no harm and are evidence-based.

  • Revolutionize Systems

    We address the underlying causes of problems and cultivate strategies for disruption and transformation.

  • Action

    Our work includes a call to specific action, a manifestation of the self-perpetuating state of hope.

  • Humility and Vulnerability

    We recognize that we don’t have all the answers; we provide the platform to learn alongside our audience.

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  • Joy

    We remember that we’re animals too. We enjoy and strive to inspire joy.

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The Wake Up Experience Nu Human



“We are the creators of our world today. We must look within if we’re to make a change. I believe there’s an answer. I believe there’s a truth. Freedom for all beings, we becoming new.”